Shanghai, the Oriental Paris, where modernity and tradition coexist. Every corner is a sight, every trip a story. Let’s explore its charm together.
1. 上海,简称“申”,是我国最大的城市,有着“魔都”之称。在这里,你可以感受到现代都市的繁华,也能体会到老上海的韵味。
英语表达:Shanghai, known as Shen is the largest city in China, dubbed the Magic Capital Here, you can feel the bustling of a modern metropolis and the charm of old Shanghai.
2. 外滩,上海的标志性景点,晚上的灯光秀绝对让你目瞪口呆。那句“不夜城”的名号,可不是白叫的。
英语表达:The Bund, a symbolic landmark of Shanghai, will leave you awestruck with its evening light show. The nickname Sleepless City is well-earned.
3. 南京路步行街,购物天堂。这里的东西贵吗?贵!但是,买不买是一回事,逛不逛是另一回事。来上海,不逛南京路,等于白来。
4. 城隍庙,吃货的天堂。小笼包、生煎、糖醋排骨,这些美食,不吃个遍,你对得起自己的胃吗?
英语表达:City God Temple, a foodie’s heaven. Xiaolongbao, shengjian, sweet and sour spareribs, how can you resist these delicacies?
5. 上海迪士尼,孩子们的梦幻王国。别以为只有小朋友才喜欢,成年人在这儿也能找到童年的快乐。
English expression: Shanghai Disneyland, a dream kingdom for children. Don’t think it’s only for kids, adults can find their childhood joy here too.
6. 新天地,时尚与艺术的交汇地。在这里,你可以看到各种时尚潮人,也能感受到浓厚的艺术氛围。
English expression: Xintiandi, where fashion meets art. Here, you can see trendy people and immerse yourself in a rich artistic atmosphere.
7. 上海博物馆,了解这座城市的历史和文化的好地方。别看它外表严肃,里面的藏品可是相当有趣。
English expression: Shanghai Museum, a great place to understand the history and culture of the city. Don’t be fooled by its solemn appearance, the collections inside are quite interesting.

Shanghai, the Oriental Paris, where modernity and tradition coexist. Every corner is a sight, every trip a story. Let’s explore its charm together.
1. 上海,简称“申”,是我国最大的城市,有着“魔都”之称。在这里,你可以感受到现代都市的繁华,也能体会到老上海的韵味。
英语表达:Shanghai, known as Shen is the largest city in China, dubbed the Magic Capital Here, you can feel the bustling of a modern metropolis and the charm of old Shanghai.
2. 外滩,上海的标志性景点,晚上的灯光秀绝对让你目瞪口呆。那句“不夜城”的名号,可不是白叫的。
英语表达:The Bund, a symbolic landmark of Shanghai, will leave you awestruck with its evening light show. The nickname Sleepless City is well-earned.
3. 南京路步行街,购物天堂。这里的东西贵吗?贵!但是,买不买是一回事,逛不逛是另一回事。来上海,不逛南京路,等于白来。
4. 城隍庙,吃货的天堂。小笼包、生煎、糖醋排骨,这些美食,不吃个遍,你对得起自己的胃吗?
英语表达:City God Temple, a foodie’s heaven. Xiaolongbao, shengjian, sweet and sour spareribs, how can you resist these delicacies?
5. 上海迪士尼,孩子们的梦幻王国。别以为只有小朋友才喜欢,成年人在这儿也能找到童年的快乐。
English expression: Shanghai Disneyland, a dream kingdom for children. Don’t think it’s only for kids, adults can find their childhood joy here too.
6. 新天地,时尚与艺术的交汇地。在这里,你可以看到各种时尚潮人,也能感受到浓厚的艺术氛围。
English expression: Xintiandi, where fashion meets art. Here, you can see trendy people and immerse yourself in a rich artistic atmosphere.
7. 上海博物馆,了解这座城市的历史和文化的好地方。别看它外表严肃,里面的藏品可是相当有趣。
English expression: Shanghai Museum, a great place to understand the history and culture of the city. Don’t be fooled by its solemn appearance, the collections inside are quite interesting.